
What Is Included In General Dentistry?

General dentistry includes routine screenings and cleanings to help prevent issues. It also allows a dentist to intervene with a procedure to prevent the problem from worsening. At Dr. Todd Bellem's practice in Kansas City, MO, you may receive general dentistry procedures. However, Dr. Todd Bellem wants you to know exactly what this aspect of dentistry is. 

Routine Cleanings

You should receive a dental cleaning once every six months. During these cleanings, the dentist uses a dental-grade toothpaste and a high-speed electric toothbrush to clean every inch of your teeth. The cleaning may also consist of scraping to get off any plaque that could eventually lead to decay. The plaque could also irritate your gums and lead to gum disease.

Thorough Examination

Additionally, Dr. Bellum would like you to know that general dentistry also includes a thorough examination at his Kansas City, MO, office. This particular procedure is also recommended biyearly. When you have an examination, the dentist will use tools to look in your mouth for signs of decay. The dentist will also evaluate your gums. Typically, a dentist will recommend you get X-rays once per year to look inside your teeth for decay. 

Filling Cavities

If you require a filling, this is also part of general dental care. With this procedure, your dentist will remove the decayed portion of your teeth. Then, the practitioner will fill the space with metal, porcelain, composite resin, zirconia, or ceramic filling. 

Dental Crowns

A dental crown classifies as a standard dental procedure. If you require this treatment, your dentist will remove any decay or damage first. Your practitioner will then use dental cement to adhere an artificial tooth shell to the tooth. 

Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are considered to be a standard dental procedure. Patients who require this service have their teeth removed. It could be due to a wisdom tooth that's crowding the rest of your teeth or a severely decayed or damaged tooth. 

When a patient has a missing tooth after an extraction, it's possible to fill in the gap with a partial, dental implant, or bridge. 

These are merely some of the services that Dr. Bellem offers at the Dr. Todd Bellem practice in Kansas City, MO. As you can see, these procedures are often to stop a problem from worsening or prevent one in the future. It also covers basic procedures used to optimize oral health. 

Book an appointment with Dr. Bellem today by calling 816-931-5320.

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